
city. Sofia

жк.Хр.Смирненски, ul.593 № 2, et.3

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Metal constructions

Delivery and installation of metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures

The company performs objects of the type, production and storage halls, refrigeration rooms, administrative buildings, etc., with the following types of constructions : 1.Стоманени конструкции конструкции състоящи се от: -монолитни фундаменти -метални колони -метални ферми или ригелови греди -метални столици -фасади и покрив със термо панели или прослоен монтаж Сглобяеми стоманобетонни конструкции – monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations […]

Delivery and installation of metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures Read More »

Concrete flooring

– Sanded concrete flooring; – Colored sanded concrete flooring; – Perdashen concrete flooring; – Crushed concrete flooring; – Stamped concrete flooring; – Final treatment of concrete pavements for dedusting and increasing hardness; – Connection between old and new concrete; – Additives for concrete flooring - fibers and plasticizers, etc..

Concrete flooring Read More »

Finishing works and repairs

–       Демонтажни довършителни работи Демонтаж на санитарно оборудване Демонтаж на вътрешни електрически инсталации Демонтаж на подови настилки и покрития Демонтаж на плочки Сваляне на тапети Изстъргване на стари бои от стени и тавани Отстраняване на стари бои от радиатори Шпакловане Направа на гипсова шпакловка на стени и тавани Шпакловане с теракол на

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Management, organization and technical management of construction sites

The service guarantees optimal use of available funds, control, preparation and following of a project schedule, optimal use of the capacity of the contractors, the implementation of the construction and installation works included in the project,change and dispute management, improving quality, flexibility in various contracts and public procurements, cash flow management. selection of designers, подготовка и сключване на договори и контрол на

Management, organization and technical management of construction sites Read More »

News 3

A lot of pain is a lot, enhanced monitoring procedures. The mass of the earth, limits and price tag, makeup at drugs. But even the bed hates. There's a microphone that's from makeup drink. Maecenas nec ullamcorper mauris. Even basketball, fear of life, fans, and the keyboard is to choose not to choose. A lot of pain is a lot, enhanced

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News 2

A lot of pain is a lot, enhanced monitoring procedures. The mass of the earth, limits and price tag, makeup at drugs. But even the bed hates. There's a microphone that's from makeup drink. Maecenas nec ullamcorper mauris. Even basketball, fear of life, fans, and the keyboard is to choose not to choose. A lot of pain is a lot, enhanced

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News 1

A lot of pain is a lot, enhanced monitoring procedures. The mass of the earth, limits and price tag, makeup at drugs. But even the bed hates. There's a microphone that's from makeup drink. Maecenas nec ullamcorper mauris. Even basketball, fear of life, fans, and the keyboard is to choose not to choose. A lot of pain is a lot, enhanced

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